თბილისი, საქართველო

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International Innovative Technologies Wins UNDP Grant to Promote Solar Energy in Georgian Coastal Communities

International Innovative Technologies (IITech), the Georgian chapter of the European Association for Renewable Energy EUROSOLAR, has been awarded a grant from the United Nations Development Programme’s (UNDP) Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme to increase access to solar energy systems in the coastal regions of Georgia.

The 20-month project titled “Improvement of Access to Solar Energy Systems for Georgian Coastal Communities” aims to raise awareness and build capacity for solar power among businesses and residents along the Black Sea coast.

The project will organize solar power seminars for local companies, provide training to students on solar panel installation, and establish two “solar hubs” at vocational colleges in Poti and Khobi. These hubs will offer technical education and assistance.

IITech is partnering with Public College Pazisi (Poti), which has already installed solar panels at its campus. By sharing firsthand experience using solar power, the College hopes to demonstrate the benefits and feasibility to students and other organizations.

The UNDP grant will cover half the project’s budget, with the rest matched through in-kind and financial contributions from IITech and partners.

The project aims to have at least two businesses adopt solar power systems within its first 20 months. This will help Georgia progress towards a greener, more circular economy and meet commitments under the Paris Climate Accords.


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