თბილისი, საქართველო

ახალი ამბები

Tripartite Cooperation Agreement for Advancing Solar Education in Georgia

In a recent development, the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, the Skills Agency Georgia, and the Eberhard-Schöck-Stiftung signed a trilateral memorandum of cooperation. The signatories include Nodar Papukashvili, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Georgia; Tamar Kitiashvili, Director General of the Skills Agency Georgia; and Peter Möller, Executive Director of the Eberhard-Schöck-Stiftung.

The primary objective of the memorandum is to promote solar energy production and enhance human resource capacity in this field. The signing took place during a Round Table discussion at the Mermisi college and involved representatives from the German embassy, professional educational institutions, and public and private organizations operating in the energy sector.

As part of this collaboration, Mermisi college received a 60 kW solar station from the Eberhard-Schöck-Stiftung. Discussions during the Round Table included considerations for the incorporation of European standards in the vocational education system regarding solar energy.


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